Thursday, May 24, 2007

Setup SunOne/iPlanet/Netscape to front jBoss

[1 - Generate nsapi_redirector]
The first thing to do is to obtain the nsapi_redirector from the Tomcat Connectors project.
The Tomcat Connectors folks no longer make the nsapi_redirector binary available for download under (, you must compile the tomcat-connectors-xxx-src-xxx under (
Untar/unzip the source code and go to tomcat-connectors-xxx-src/native

/tomcat-connectors-xxx-src/native> ./configure –enable-netscape
/tomcat-connectors-xxx-src/native> cd netscape

[1a - nsapi_redirector Solaris version]
You must have gcc or the Sun cc compiler
Edit Makefile.solaris and make sure
SUITSPOT_HOME points to your iPlanet installation directory
JAVA_HOME points to your Java JDK directory

/tomcat-connectors-xxx-src/native/netscape> make –f Makefile.solaris

This will generate
[1b - nsapi_redirector Windows version]
You must have Microsoft Visual C++ Version 6.0
Edit nsapi.dsp and make sure
SUNONE_HOME points to your iPlanet installation directory
JAVA_HOME points to your Java JDK directory

/tomcat-connectors-xxx-src/native/netscape> MSDEV nsapi.dsp /MAKE ALL

This will generate nsapi_director.dll
[2 – Configure SunOne/iPlanet/Netscape]
[2a –]
Create a text file called

# -
# This file provides minimal jk configuration properties needed to
# connect to Tomcat.
# The workers that jk should create and work with
# Defining a worker named ajp13w and of type ajp13
# Note that the name and the type do not have to match.
# Defining a load balancer
# Define status worker

[2b – mangus.conf]
Edit your web server’s config/magnus.conf and add the following 2 lines
(make sure /path/to/ are correct)

Init fn="load-modules" shlib="/path/to/" funcs="jk_init,jk_service" shlib_flags="(global|now)"
Init fn="jk_init" worker_file="/path/to/" log_level="debug" log_file="/path/to/nsapi.log"

[2c – obj.conf]
Edit your web server’s config/obj.conf and add an object called jboss:

<Object name="jboss">
ObjectType fn=force-type type=text/plain
Service fn="jk_service" method="*" worker="jboss"

For a simple setup, edit the default object, intercept all calls to your application and forward the requests to jBoss. For example, I created a Seam application called seamapp on jBoss so the default object in my obj.conf looks like this:

<Object name=default>
NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/seamapp(|/*)" name="jboss"


However, for performance reasons, you probably want SunOne/iPlanet/Netscape to serve the static contents (images, stylesheets, etc.). You should make the static contents available under your web server’s document root and intercept only *.seam.
For my example, the default object in obj.conf looks like this:

<Object name=default>
NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/seamapp/*.seam(|/*)" name="jboss"
